The catalyst who enable availability of products and services to point of sales and retail outlets with adequate width, depth & range of stocks.
How to Become a Distributor
For becoming Jio distributor the party should be currently doing distribution business with renowned brand and should have the adequate infrastructure for doing business with JIO
The interested firm should have the desired level of infrastructure and finances for doing business with JIO
Distributor should have the desired equity in the market and should have good relationship with the retailers
The local sales team should approve the distributor as per the onboarding norms of RDS / distributor

Preferred Retailers
Key large retail outlets showcasing the entire range of products and services with live demos to enhance Digital consumer experience.
How to Become a Preferred Retailers
Any outlet can become a Preferred Retailers which is selling device or connectivity, these outlet should be top selling Retailers in a Town / JC / locality who will like to provide complete smartphone solution and service to their customers.
Retail outlet should have physical space for transaction with consumer and should be willing to do JIO business
These key retail stores should be destinations stores for the towns/cities for the consumer and should have good loyal base of consumers with enhanced engagement levels.
To become Preferred retailer the retailer should get in touch with the respective JC Manager
Preferred retailer while dealing with the brand should adhere to the various government statutory requirement as applicable.

Retail outlets selling device and telecom products and services to consumers.
How to Become a Retailers
Any outlet dealing with smartphone and connectivity business will qualify and can become a retailer dealing with Jio business
To become a retailer he/she should stock and sell a bouquet of products & services as per the consumer and brand requirement
The retail outlet should be on boarded as retailer and should have a valid PRM code / retailer code to do transaction with the brand
Retail outlet should have physical space for transaction with consumer and should be willing to do JIO business
To become retailer the retailer should follow the guidelines laid down by the brand with terms of trade / business as per applicable to the retailer
While dealing with the brand the retailer should adhere to the various government statutory requirement as applicable.
The retail outlet needs to contact the JC Manager for enrolling as a Retailer.

Enterprise Distributor
Retail outlets selling device and telecom products and services to consumers.
How to Become a Enterprise Distributor
For becoming Jio Enterprise distributor the party should be currently engaged in businesses that deliver enterprise products and services of renowned brands
The interested firm should have the desired level of infrastructure and finances for doing business with Jio
Distributor should have the desired equity in the market and should have good relationship with business entities
The distributor will have to fulfil onboarding norms, which will be facilitated/validated by State Channel Sales team
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